Watch: Phil tells fan he wouldn't pick himself for fantasy

Phil Mickelson has been known to dabble in an on-course bet or two in his day, often wagering on his special set of skills that have earned him five major championships over his illustrious career.

But after admitting he was “absolutely exhausted” after a down week at the Ryder Cup, Mickelson didn’t sound too confident in a great result at the season-opening Safeway Open.

When asked by a fan during Wednesday’s pro-am if he should pick him for fantasy golf lineup this week, Mickelson responded, “Probably not,” without missing a beat.

Classic Phil – honest to a fault.

While Lefty may seem like a trendy pick considering he’s finished T-3 and T-8 in his only two starts at this event, don’t be shocked if Mickelson’s name isn’t anywhere near the top of the leaderboard come Sunday.

After all, Phil won’t be.

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