Watch: Woods uses computer code to make robotic putt

Robots have been plotting their takeover of the golf world for some time. First it was talking trash to Rory McIlroy, then it was making a hole-in-one at TPC Scottsdale’s famous 16th hole … and now they’re making putts for Tiger Woods. Woods tweeted out a video on Tuesday draining a putt without ever touching […]

MyGolfSpy Insider Podcast Episode 2: “Hashtag” Chad Coleman – Callaway Golf

My guest on Episode 2 of the MyGolfSpy Insider Podcast is Chad Coleman, Social Media Manager for Callaway Golf. Among his many responsibilities, it’s Chad’s job to make Callaway Golf look good on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Always available online, Chad has spent the last several years doing his part to help transform […]

Woods admits fatigue played factor in Ryder Cup

There was plenty of speculation about Tiger Woods’ health in the wake of the U.S. team’s loss to Europe at last month’s Ryder Cup, and the 14-time major champ broke his silence on the matter during a driving range Q&A at his annual Tiger Woods Invitational at Pebble Beach on Tuesday. Woods, who went 0-4 […]