Monthly Archives: April 2019

Hall Of Famer Finds Her Calling

When Betsy King founded the Golf Fore Africa charity in 2008 after taking a heartbreaking trip to Rwanda, Tanzania and Zambia and witnessing the plight of HIV-infected children in those countries, she wasn’t sure what she could do. Then she realized, clean water was lacking in their villages. Thus began a quest to change that, […]

N. Korda's fire fueling her pursuit of becoming LPGA's premier player

PHOENIX – Nelly Korda was just 12 years old when Hall of Famer Juli Inkster got her first scouting report on the junior. As part of the LPGA’s rookie orientation, Inkster was being shadowed in a pro-am by Jessica Korda, Nelly’s older sister. This was back in 2011. “We were talking about different things, and […]

Korda's 'spunk' fueling her pursuit of becoming America's premier player

PHOENIX – Nelly Korda was just 12 years old when Hall of Famer Juli Inkster got her first scouting report on the junior. As part of the LPGA’s rookie orientation, Inkster was being shadowed in a pro-am by Jessica Korda, Nelly’s older sister. This was back in 2011. “We were talking about different things, and […]

LPGA embracing history, pushing forward with 'Drive On' branding

PHOENIX – LPGA leaders want you to see the bigger picture of what they believe the tour is all about. They want you to see that the obstacles their players have overcome in building the oldest women’s sports organization are examples that inspire beyond sport. They’re celebrating more than athletic performance in “Drive On,” the […]